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Who Are We
Tony Hall started the farm back in 1981 as he always had had a passion for farming. He would try and work on farms during the school holidays to gain that extra bit of know how.
The farm started with a 2.02 acre bare field in Defford. It was purchased for just over £4,000 and he thought he'd bought all of Pershore! Over time he has built various livestock buildings as the animal numbers increased and first started using telegraph poles but now only uses steel!
Tony started his enterprise with six orphan female lambs and they did him proud for many years, retaining the female lambs to slowly increase the flock. Thereafter, numbers greatly increased allowing him to start selling and buying cattle.
Originally the buildings were only designed for sheep but as time moved on purpose built cattle sheds were erected. The farm now stands at around 250 acres, with some being rented but mostly used working in collaboration with Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and The John Bennett Wetland Trust.
Since the early 90’s, the majority of the farm's livestock were and still are Rare Breeds allowing for future generations to have the privilege to see these beautiful animals.

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